Monday, February 15, 2010

Yoga Herpes What Yoga Asanas Would Be Good For My Mom [Pls Read Description]?

What yoga asanas would be good for my mom [Pls read description]? - yoga herpes

She suffers from herpes and she has a sore lower back and pelvic region getting out of bed. She also had high blood pressure. Asanas What should you do?


princess... said...

If you are looking to strengthen it again I suggest you try to breathe footprint. So that you can use to transfer the weight on your back and try to center the focus.
Perron Yogamudrasana or position, is to strengthen the back
Half-mail Twist cord or Ardh Matsyendrasana boost to help strengthen and
Position Camel / Ushtrasana stetch support and strengthen it.
Each of these three positions are for the health through the course of time, put "emphasis, should contribute to back pain.

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