Saturday, February 6, 2010

Types Or Viginas What Types Of Houses Or Buildings Are Usually Found In Italy?

What types of houses or buildings are usually found in Italy? - types or viginas

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gatto said...

Italy disseminated in modern buildings are:
"Villetta" (small family home), "schiera House) (Town Hall) and Palazzo di appartamenti (blueprints. In cities like Rome and Milan, and cities, there are many mansions. They are generally small (up to 5 -7 Floors ). terraced suburbs are full. In the villages, many small family houses of one or two families. There are also civic and residential buildings are very rare.

For example, you can use Googlemaps, the satellite option:
Simply put, the addresses written below, click on the area of search engines, in "Near sulle mappe", then on the street:
1) "Italy, Rome, Via Tuscolana 777". This is an example of a normal neighborhood in Rome, full of house construction.
2) "Italy, Rome, Giachetti 180th This is an example of a normal neighborhood, in the vicinity of Rome, full of small terraced houses and detached houses.

It must be said that in Italy there are also many ordinary olof buildings that seem otherwise. Finally, there are many old buildings as art.

I hope this can help.

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